Category Archives: Jerold’s Blog

Never Make Decisions When Extremely Happy or Sad

Never Make Decisions When Extremely Happy or Sad

When you are immensely happy you tend to believe that you can do anything. The sky is the limit, but when your mood is elevated you may try to get to the sky right then and there. Do not make decisions when manic because it may affect you negatively in the future. Same when you…MORE

You Determine Your Happiness

You Determine Your Happiness

No one can make you happy, except for yourself. If you are determined to let the small things bother you, then that is your own fault. Instead of stressing and getting caught up in the negative, you should begin to focus on the positive. Begin immersing yourself in things that bring you joy, even if…MORE

People Have a Purpose

People Have a Purpose

People are put in your life for a reason. Everyone you meet has something to teach you or are going through a struggle that you can learn from. Simply witnessing a parent struggling with their child can become a learning experience. You can learn a lot from socializing and observing your superiors and/or coworkers as…MORE

No One Said It Was Easy

No One Said It Was Easy

Becoming successful is difficult, no one said it wasn’t. Being an entrepreneur and doing your own work can be hard. You have to be committed and persistent, because if not you will stop when you come to the first bump and never reach your goals. You only get as much as you put into it…MORE

Not Everything Is As It Seems

Not Everything Is As It Seems

  We all need to start becoming happy with what we have. As humans we are always looking for something better. We become envious of others’ lives. But the truth is, the grass is greener on the other side because it is fertilized. No one is perfect, and most times people have help to get…MORE

Never Fear Success

Never Fear Success

In order to succeed you have to take risks, risks that you may be scared to take. Fear is only going to hinder your efforts toward your goal. It has never steered anyone toward success, just away from it. Fear has no room in your success. Risks are good, fear is not. Risks push you…MORE

Do Not Gossip

Do Not Gossip

Why spend your time indulged in someone else’s life, when you could be making improvements to your own life? Gossiping is a waste, there are so many productive things to do instead of eaves dropping on someone’s life. When you choose to actively participate in gossip, you are saying that there is nothing else you…MORE

Learn To Let Stuff Go

It can become easy to hold grudges and hard to forgive. In order to be happy, you need to learn how to let things go. Holding onto pain will just keep you from moving on. If you are constantly thinking of the past how do you expect to be active in the present or reach…MORE

Don’t Judge A Book by Its Cover

Don’t Judge A Book by Its Cover

People come from all walks of life and you never know exactly which path they took. Don’t judge a book by its cover; when you begin to assume that is when you become wrong. Just because someone looks a certain way does not mean they fit the stereotype. If someone looks homeless it doesn’t mean…MORE

Married Millionaires

Married Millionaires

Most people who are wealthy are also married. 80% of millionaires are married, this proves that it can be easier to rise to the top when you have a constant support system. Being a part of a commitment can positively influence your other commitments. It helps you stick to tasks when you know that you…MORE


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