Category Archives: Jerold’s Blog

You Cannot Un-Ring a Bell

You Cannot Un-Ring a Bell

Whenever you ring a bell it is heard and you cannot physically take back the sound that was made. Ringing a bell is a lot like the words you say, you cannot take them back. Make sure you mean what you say because most times people will remember them and it will determine how others…MORE

Have a Purpose in Everything You Do

Have a Purpose in Everything You Do

It is easy to forget why we do the things we do. As human we fall into routine not forget what our purpose is. You should always check yourself and situation to analyze if you possess a purpose. Once you know what your ultimate goal is, that is when you can become invested in what…MORE

Don’t Forget Thanksgiving

Don’t Forget Thanksgiving

Many times when it turns November people automatically go into Christmas mode. Unfortunately, they are forgetting an important holiday, Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for everything and everyone in your life. It is also a day to eat a lot of delicious food, so why are we overlooking it? People get too…MORE

Embrace Your Haters

Many times people look negatively at having haters. What they need to realize is that having haters isn’t a bad thing. Once you learn that in order to be successful you have to have people who thing that you cannot achieve something, that is when you can be confident in your work. People who look…MORE

Don’t Criticize Before Trying

In today’s society we are so quick to judge people, on almost everything. Most of the things that we usually criticize are things we haven’t even tried ourselves. For example how are you supposed to criticize someone on their cooking or children when you’ve never made that dish or even have had kids. Try something…MORE

Politeness and Manners Are Important

Often we become extremely relaxed in our everyday lives and that is perfectly okay but it is important to remember respect. Things may not go your way at all times but that is no reason to forget politeness and manners. Both of those things show people that you are considerate and care about others. It…MORE

Your Favorite Music Can Make Things Better

Your Favorite Music Can Make Things Better

Not every day is going to be perfect, that is why you need to learn how to cope. Finding ways to make your bead days better is a part of learning to make your bad days good ones. Listening to your favorite music can change your mood. Putting on music that you enjoy can remind…MORE

Imagine It and It Can Happen

People perform amazing tasks every day and in today’s society it is not rate to be surprised. So why is it so hard to imagine yourself achieving something great? When you put your mind to it and start picturing yourself turning something impossible possible, that is when you can achieve greatness. Everything is possible if…MORE

Be Your Best

Be Your Best

Everyone is different and no two people are the same, so why do people try and be someone else? Don’t compete with others, just be better than you were before. Do not try growing to outshine someone else when instead you can outshine yourself. Personal growth is far better than growing into someone who isn’t…MORE

Change is Good

The world is constantly changing; therefore, your life is also going to change. If you want to achieve your goals, then you have to grow. So whether you want things to change or not it’s still going to happen. Life throws many things at you and learning how to adapt is how you become the…MORE


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